26 January 2011

Our warehouse in the cloud

The cloud: it seems to be one of those buzzwords that people want for their business, yet they don't seem to completely understand what you can move to the cloud and what you can not.

One of the first onsite services that a business can offload to a third party provider. Some business will jump to a hosted solution they are familiar with, most of the time a hosted exchange system.

We have been hosting our websites because hosting it in house is just costly and who can provide the uptime that I data center can.

Can I move physical products like my warehouse filled with motorcycle parts? Of course you can. Using Amazon Fulfillment for warehouse in the cloud suddenly move physical inventory takes on a new model. With our products leaving the manufacture and going directly to Amazon, suddenly I don't need a physical building, I don't need a person to process the shipment.

This brings the E concept to a closed loop. My E Store truly becomes a "push a button to ship" process.

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