08 June 2011
Damn you apple...
API Freak-outs.
16 April 2011
12 April 2011
Internet birthplace to be preserved for future generations
This is the room where the Internet was born, 3420 Boelter Hall at the University of California, Los Angeles.
This is the same room, 42 years later. Until recently, nobody knew exactly which room had housed the lab where the first ARPANET message was sent. But, now that it's been pinpointed as 3420 Boelter, there's work underway to restore the room to its 1969 appearance, and preserve it as a historic site. The Kleinrock Internet Heritage Site and Archive opens June 1st. The lower photo was taken during a pre-opening tour led by Paleofuture blogger, Matt Novak.
Too Many Chefs....
30 January 2011
a week looking back
So this was the week that we went live with our first store. Our site has been sitting on the server for a few months. We let it just sit there as we were waiting for product to ship to Amazon for warehousing.
One the product was received at Amazon we pushed our product live to our EBay store and started pumping stuff about it in Facebook.
The orders were one a day then two a day, now in the first week we are running of curtain products. A good thing for sure.
26 January 2011
Our warehouse in the cloud
25 January 2011
Report: USA tops when it comes to cyber-combat
A survey of cyberspace says that the United States enjoys the honor of being the world's "top attack traffic source," accounting for 12 percent of all such malicious data—eight percent of the globe's in the third quarter of 2010.
This could represent the activities of 'infected hosts that are looking for other hosts to spread to, or it may represent brute force attempts to log in to other systems,' according to the Akamai Corporation's David Belson. It's all in the server maker's latest State of the Internet report (registration required).
Read the comments on this post
24 January 2011
21 January 2011
3G is not 3G it’s Dial Up
Well I am spending the week with out DSL. Which means I am leaning on my iPhone 4 for most of my needs. I can pretty much do most things I need to do for server con-figs from my phone. The only issue I am having is uploading a file in the browser from my phone.
I am using USB Drive app to get files from my PC to my phone so that I can send out invoices. That is simple, it’s just uploading a file that I need to figure out.
You might ask, well why don’t you just tether your iPhone to your computer. Well here at my desk the coverage is very spotty. My iPhone sits and bounces from 3G to Edge and then back again. That gets me no where, not to mention that I would go over my 2GB cap in the first ten minutes.
Hopefully the modem will show up tomorrow and I will not be waiting until Friday for delivery.
04 January 2011
Predictions for Google's 2011
2. A new HTML5 interface for Gmail that loads faster, stores email offline and integrates with other Google apps like Google Calendar and Google Docs.
3. An updated Android keyboard that uses Google Scribd data to provide useful suggestions.
4. Google Earth as a WebGL web app and vector-based maps in Google Maps for desktop.
5. A database of things, where you can store important names, book titles, products, concepts and useful information about them.
6. Data sync for Google Chrome extensions.
7. Chrome for Android, with data sync, web apps, session restore, Cloud Print, built-in Flash and smarter address bar.
8. Google's search engine will answer complex questions using inferences.
9. Google Personal Alerts will notify on your mobile phone if there's something interesting around (one of your friends, a store that offers a discount for one your favorite products, a museum you wanted to visit, a shop recommended by one of your friends).
10. Google will learn to embrace Facebook and will start using Facebook Connect.
11. Google Online Store: the place where you can download Chrome/Android apps and games, e-books, buy magazine subscriptions, music and movies.
12. Android's growth will slow down, but it will be the most popular mobile operating system because many companies will use it to create smart media players, digital cameras, TVs, game consoles and even home appliances.
13. Picasa Web Albums will become a Google Docs app and Picnik will switch to HTML5.
14. Google will acquire Disqus to make it easier to manage your comments and to improve Blogger's commenting system.
15. Google Profiles will no longer be optional: when you create a Google/Gmail account, you'll also create a profile.
16. Voice search and visual search for desktop.
17. Google will buy LastPass and offer an online password manager.
18. Google Wave will be resurrected, but it will have a simplified interface.
19. An online music player that will let you listen music from the Google Store or Google Docs, podcasts from Google Reader, online radios and more.
20. Google Fast Flip for web search powered by Google Instant Previews.