30 December 2010

archive those old files

Like the fourth of July Marks the day you are suppose to change the battery in the smoke detector, I find myself cleaning out old files around the end of the year.

Take all the files you do not need on the server off and clean up the web server too.

09 December 2010

Main Routers Down at Provider

Currently Main Routers have failed at our provider. I will post an update the moment there is an update.

07 December 2010

Chrome Market Place - APPS I love it

I get it. The Chrome Market place is a web store. What I am really grasping onto is the entire cloud concept.

I just found the OnAir App. The ability to subscribe to my shows audio and video in an app and then watch them right in the browser.

I just hope I never have to go lover than my current 6 meg connection.

Another Hosted Emails Post

So most people know that I rave about using Google for Hosted Domains Email system.

Here is another reason I love them so:

When you are moving a site from one server to another, you often have to take into account the users email that is associated with the domain. When you are hosted with the GOOG you leave all those MX records alone because you are pointing all your mail to them.

This just makes things a breeze when moving a client from a testing phase to a live phase or when upgrading servers.

06 December 2010

Database Issues on Main Server

We are currently having an issue with our main server were sites with hosted x-carts are currently un-reachable.

All Data is safe as we are currently just unable to route to them.

I will post a message when this issue has cleared.

03 December 2010

Help Desk goes live

Moving up with the big boys. Now you can create trouble tickets and track them all in one place.

Point your browser to support.gavintrippedesigns.com and you can start creating tickets today.